
Different Between Buying New or Tocumbo (Fairly Used) Electronics Device

Am written from the experience I have and what have been going on in buying electronics device in show rooms or direct from the company in Nigeria and I guess is like that all round in the whole country.

In Nigeria here is good and far better we buy new stuffs from the right source,like LG,SAMSUNG,PHILIPS,SONY,PIONEER,ETC

Because they sells there products with guaranty,am not saying that buying from them means that the electronic will be in good condition forever,No,it is possible it can spoil that same day you bought the electronics device.

Some times tocumbo (Fairly Used) last longer than new device,and also cheaper,but tocumbo have no quaranty like new one from the right source, when you buy tocumbo and it gets spoil,you are on your own,it does not concern who sell them to you,they won't  accept it if you take it back from the people or person you bought it from,because they will tell you it was tested before you pay and take it home,if atall you buy tested electronics device.

But if you buy non tested electronic you can not test it there,you will take it to your house or else where to test it,but it will be after you have made some payment,then you can test it there or at home or else where,it may be working fine or it may not work,then you have to repairs it.

Back to new electronics device,people believes it is the best,,yes it is because you are the first person using it,that makes it the best,but as for lasting issue some tocumbo last longer than new electronic device.

Also they gives one or two years quaranty, if the electronics device did not last up to one or two years according to the agreement or guarantee period,returned it to the company for replacement, they will accept it,and they may tell you to come back in few weeks time to collect another one,but make sure you did not loose the screw or nuts,because if you do,it is void and they won't accept to change it for you.

So do not try or think of loosing it,it is very important.

Now you have understand the useful and important of buying new electronics device from the show room or from the right source, I hope this tutorial page is useful to you.

Please comment for me to know what you think or what you have to say about this thanks for reading.

Source: amurie

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