
Ikpu Agbala Custom and Traditions Inherited From Our Fore Fathers

Ikpu Agbala

I am from Amurie Nkporo in Ohafia local Government Area Abia state Nigeria.

I want to write to the public about our culture and tradition of Amurie and other parts in Nkporo (Nkporo 8 isi ogo esato).

In Nkporo is is what we called ikpu agbala,ikpu agbala is a power custom and tradition inherited from our fore fathers,in the village if a male child have not been initiated he will still be regard and address as a woman and he can not be allow to contest for any political position in the state or federal level by the elders and youth of the the village who are already initiated.

And he will not enter in the masquerade house or at the main place where the initiate is been performed, if any male child that have not been initiated tries to enter there will die, and he or she will be buried inside there,without the persons mother seeing the corps of his son or daughter.

So it is necessary that any male child of Nkporo must perform or do what the custom and tradition says,when the person finish doing what the custom and tradition said,he will be now regard and see as a fully growned man in the community by the elders and the villagers.

And the initiation is been done once forever,it can never be done more than one time,and the person can now put on any masquerade of his choice.

He can now contest for any political Position in the state or federal level.

There is two powerful masquerade that are been put on only but one time, forever,after that one time,that person will not put it on, again till he dies.

In my next post,I will post the name of the two masquerade that are been put on only but one time forever

Source: amurie

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